Friday, 1 August 2014

Visiting the school before we left!

On the Wednesday before we left we had the opportunity to visit our project school to meet the pupils and staff. This provided a real sense of closure on that part of our challenge - because of religious festivals we had not seen the school in action at all.

We were also able to present the Headmistress with funds left over from out project budget. It only  came to the equivalent of £130 but it was greatly appreciated and we got the feeling that it would go a long way within the school.

Excited young students - seemed really happy to see us.

No school uniform here - just lots of bright colours

Lessons outside quite common

Showing their work

With the headmistress after presenting her with some cash for her school

Lots of noise and excitement

Giving out our gifts to a junior class

Very pleased with their tennis balls

It's a stand off!
These guys were very boisterous
Here's a sobering thought on this last picture. These guys were really very excitable and loud. At one point a male teacher came into the room and they sat down silently in an instant. After he had left I asked them whether the teacher was strict. 'Yes'. 'Does he hit you?' I asked. 'Yes' came the reply! It really was a different world!

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